How To Keep Your Smile In Check

There is no better feeling than being confident in yourself, better yet being confident in your smile. A study conducted by the Australian Orthodontic Society 55% of people are self-conscious about their teeth and 46% of people said their teeth would be the first thing they would change about themselves – even before weight loss!…

How to Deal with Dental Anxiety

Are you one of the millions of people who avoid going to the dentist because of fear or anxiety? Dental fear and anxiety are extremely common, you are not alone but when you put off visiting the dentist because of it, it becomes unsustainable. The health of your teeth and gums can affect your entire…

How to Clean Your Tongue?

6 benefits of Brushing your tongue   We should all know how important it is to clean your teeth, twice daily, but many people underestimate the importance of making sure your tongue is clean. So if you are thinking, am I meant to brush my tongue? The answer is yes!   Understanding your tongue and…

Three signs of a dental emergency

Dental emergencies can be alarming. But it is important to remember that the sooner you contact us, the more likely we can take action, stop the pain, and save the tooth.   Here are some clear indicators to look out for in a dental emergency. w Toothache or oral pain   Pain is your body’s…

Dental Fillings in Adelaide

Dental fillings in Adelaide tooth needs a filling when it has decay, is broken or the current filling is failing because it has cracked or the tooth has developed decay around it. Call Dental Matters in Adelaide to schedule an appointment! Dental decay occurs when acid produced by certain types of bacteria destroy the enamel…

how to clean your tongue

Bad Breath [Halitosis]

Dental Matters, your Adelaide dentist, can help freshen your smile and breath. Halitosis is a condition of having offensive smelling breath which can cause psychological distress. It affects 25% of people globally. There are a number of potential causes, though the most common cause is due to oral hygiene. Common causes of bad breath: Odour…