Having a dental crown fitted can be a great way to restore and protect your teeth, giving you the confidence in your smile that we all love. But what happens when it’s time to give them some tender loving care? Keeping on top of caring for your dental crowns may seem like an arduous task at first, but with these few easy tips, you’ll soon be grinning wider than ever!
What are dental crowns?
Dental crowns are an important dental restoration tool used to restore damaged teeth. They are designed to fit snugly over the portions of natural teeth that have been damaged or weakened, providing extra protection and strength.
Crowns can also be used to improve the appearance of discolored or misshapen teeth, enhance overall dental aesthetics, or complete dental bridges or dental implants. A dental procedure is required to place a crown on a tooth, as it requires reshaping the existing tooth so that it fits properly inside a dental crown.
Crowns are typically made from porcelain and metal, though there are other options available as well. No matter what type of dental crown you get, regular dental maintenance is still essential for optimal dental health.
Ways to take care of your dental Crowns
Here are easy ways to properly take care of your dental crowns.
Brush and floss regularly
Looking after dental crowns is important in order to maintain the integrity of them and prevent dental problems further down the line.
Brushing and flossing are two of the simplest, yet most effective, ways to keep your dental crowns clean. When brushing make sure to use a toothbrush that has soft bristles and brush gently, paying particular attention around the base of the dental crown.
Flossing should be done on a regular basis; this helps eliminate plaque build-up from between dental crowns as dental floss is able to thread through these tight spaces more efficiently than a toothbrush can.
Choose the right food
Taking care of dental crowns by eating the right foods is essential to sustaining dental health and maintaining the dental crown.
It is important to avoid sticky and chewy foods, such as licorice, caramel apples and taffy, as they can pull the dental crown off its base.
Keeping a consistent dental hygiene routine after meals, including brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day, can also help protect the dental crown from food particles.
Incorporating crunchy fruits and vegetables, dairy products low in fat, lean proteins like fish and chicken, and whole grains into your diet can help make sure that your dental crown remains in place while providing you with essential nutrients for optimum overall dental health.
See your dentist regularly
Taking care of dental crowns is vital to maintaining dental health.
Visiting a dentist regularly after dental crowns have been placed helps to ensure the crowns remain in optimal condition. Seeing a dentist routinely not only affords dental professionals the chance to check for any damages or cracks, but it also permits them to establish a baseline for wear and tear as dental crowns can be affected by a patient’s diet, such as consuming foods or drinks that are particularly acidic or hard, both of which may cause damage over time.
In addition, regular dental visits allow dentists to survey gum tissue around the dental crowns and check on how well they are fitting and supporting teeth. Following these steps helps prolong the life of dental crowns, protecting one’s dental health in the long run.
Visit Dental Matters now
The key to keeping your dental crowns in tip-top shape is taking good care of them—by properly brushing, flossing and eating a healthy diet. Regular visits to the dentist are also essential. If you want to make sure your crowns stay beautiful and strong, come visit our clinic now and get the professional help that you need.
Maybe getting a custom-made crown is what will meet your exact needs. Here at our facility, you can be sure that our team of experts will be able to provide all the support you need when it comes to dental concerns like this. Don’t put off taking care of your teeth for tomorrow – take control of your dental health today!