Wisdom teeth removal & Sedation Dentistry

Now that your wisdom teeth need to be removed, choosing the right dental professional to deal with wisdom teeth removal is the first step. There are a few considerations to decide on and sometimes you cannot put off your wisdom teeth removal as it may become a serious issue with infection. Are you anxious? Would…

Introducing your child to dental health

Throughout our history, the need to maintain our oral health has meant that going to the dentist was a necessary and often uncomfortable experience. However, we now live in a world of advanced technology where those discomforts are now moot. Nevertheless some people still hold a fear of going to the dentist, enough to put…

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Many people are incredibly nervous when visiting the dentist, then the safety of sedation becomes another concern. We are particularly sympathetic to “dental phobics”, we care and have empathy for our Adelaide patients. Our principle dentist Dr. Elizabeth Chryssidis is a specialist in sedation dentistry, so we can provide safe sedation dentistry for people who…

We recommend fissure sealants for children

The application of fissure sealants is necessary to preserve the integrity of your child’s permanent teeth. As soon as your child starts having permanent teeth, which usually occurs between six and seven years, it is recommended that sealants be applied. At this time, it is important that you bring your child regularly to the dentist.…

Kids Dental First Aid

Accidents happen and are sometimes unavoidable. However, you can minimise the impact of the dental trauma by following these tips. Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek For any injuries that result in bleeding, apply direct pressure to the injured area with a clean cloth or gauze pack to control the bleeding. However, if bleeding…

Dental amalgam and why dentists still use it

Dentists and patients today have several choices when it comes to selecting materials for fillings. Nevertheless, this does not eliminate the appropriateness of traditional dental materials such as amalgam, which is strong, durable and less expensive. Resin is a popular filling material due to its aesthetic properties, however the life span of a resin filling…

how to clean your tongue

Bad Breath [Halitosis]

Dental Matters, your Adelaide dentist, can help freshen your smile and breath. Halitosis is a condition of having offensive smelling breath which can cause psychological distress. It affects 25% of people globally. There are a number of potential causes, though the most common cause is due to oral hygiene. Common causes of bad breath: Odour…

Pregnancy and Dental Care

Pregnancy is a unique time in a woman’s life, accompanied by physiologic and hormonal changes that can affect oral health and how it can be provided. Some considerations: Pregnancy gingivitis. The surge in female hormones is associated with an increase in gum disease. Many pregnant women find that their gums bleed easily and are more…